• Čeština

Registration system


    Be sure to attach the following attachments to your application:

    By signing this application, I consent to processing my personal details provided herein in order to include the details in the database of the Endowment Fund of Palacký University, Olomouc, ID No. 04187334, Křížkovského 8, Olomouc, 771 47, Czech Rep.

    Furthermore, I consent to the disclosure, if applicable, of such personal details and related information (the contribution amount, contract to provide a contribution from the endowment fund, final settlement...) in the annual report of the endowment fund.

    By signing this application I hereby represent that as of the date of filing the application I have not committed a disciplinary infraction or a criminal offence.

    By signing this application I also represent that all the details stated herein are true, correct and up-to-date.