• Čeština

What do we support?


We support innovative student research and artistic projects which have an international dimension.

The UP Endowment Fund regularly, usually at the beginning of the summer semester, publishes calls. Details on how to apply for contributions from the Fund can be found in the respective calls and in the Constitution of the UP Endowment Fund

There are no calls at the moment.


Eligible applicants

  • Students in Master’s degree programmes offered at UP
  • Students in doctoral degree programmes offered at UP
  • Foreign doctoral students in programmes studying at UP

Contributions from the Fund

  • The contribution amount is determined by the Board of Directors. The maximum contribution for one applicant for the whole period of receiving the contribution amounts to CZK 200,000.

Requirements to receive a contribution from the Fund

  1. the applicant is a full-time student of a Master’s or doctoral degree programme offered at UP;
  2. the applicant has not interrupted his or her studies, not even for part of the academic year;
  3. the applicant carries out research or artistic activities either at UP or in the business sector, public administration or non-profit sector, or has been sent to another Czech or foreign university to carry out research or artistic activities,
  4. the applicant has not committed a disciplinary infraction of which he or she was found guilty in the disciplinary proceedings prior to receiving the contribution and does not commit such an infraction as long as he or she receives the contribution;
  5. the applicant has not committed a crime prior to receiving the contribution and does not commit a crime as long as he or she receives the contribution;
  6. the student does not exceed the standard length of study during his or her Master’s or doctoral study;
  7. the applicant must apply for the contribution from the Fund through the registration system and attach any required documents (project budget, statement by the head of department or supervisor, documents establishing social or health disadvantage).

Criteria to evaluate the applications

The contributions are granted at the discretion of the Board of Directors after considering the following criteria:

  • originality and novelty,
  • benefit for the respective field,
  • benefit for society,
  • international dimension of the research project;
  • output from the research project and its presentation;
  • social or health disadvantage, as the case may be.